Chuck Shew 1957 Chevy

     I bought my 57 Chevy on June 20, 1986. I had always wanted a 57, I guess it was because my Uncle John McKenzie owned one when I was a kid. Uncle John passed away August 16, 2016. He was my “Fonzie” growing up teaching me how to be cool!

     This is a picture of me and my 57 in June of 1986. I paid $550 and drove it home. This picture however is the good side. The tire came off at one time on the driver side and it had been hit on the rear quarter panel. When I bought it, it had the original V8 265 engine and was all original. 

My best time with the 57 was driving it across the country when I moved from California to Virginia. Everytime I stopped someone came up to look at it and had a story to tell.

1957 210 Sedan